To the anti-mask Karens and Kens spewing all their dumbness at the top of their lungs

Lemme tell you something. My job requires me to have people DIRECTLY into my face.... If you come around me screaming without a mask about how you don't need one, I will slap the shit out you. And I've had it with these guys I've known since yay high getting into the elevator with me with no mask... I'm about to remind people I'm with the shits ESPECIALLY before my crzy ass boyfriend comes to see me. 

If some unhinged, selfish, deluded person comes near me with this anti mask shit given my occupation, my pimp hand is strong front and back. I'm sick of this shit. Act like an unstable aggressive person close to me with no mask on during a pandemic and endanger the bit of employment I have regained... I will drop you faster than every influencer gettin exposed during the pandemic. PUT YOUR FUCKING MASK ON AND STOP BEING THIRSTY TO CONGREGATE. TAKE YO ASS IN THE HOUSE. 

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