A prime example of why women should be feared.

I used to be a catcher for softball and despite being able to stand up for every pitch, 3 or 4 batters in, my calves would be numb. I used to work at Steve Madden and would wear 4 or 5 inch heels for 8 hour shifts (by choice, I did it as a tool to sell the higher priced shoes, that were heels by demonstrating their comfortability). I would never show pain, always smile, and THANK GOD that I found out putting lip plumping lip gloss on the balls of my feet was a miracle. But to see this woman squatting, on one foot, in stilettos.... and fucking smiling like Satan when someone signs him their soul.... THAT is someone you don't fuck with. If this is what she does when those shoes are on her feet, lord help the person who makes her put it in her hand. AND I JUST NOTICED HER LEGS ARE CROSSED!!!! Is this a hidden character from Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter that nobody ever knew was there to unlock?!!!

I know a lot about squatting, wearing heels, the torture of wearing a skirt, and crossing my legs.... and each of them on their own can be torture... and she is doing all of them at once??? If she's wearing a corset or waist trainer too, she can't be human. 

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