This giy wirked for his bounty, HOWEVER…..

This is so fucked up to do to someone, and honestly, if I came downstairs to find this, I am 100% sure I'd be so angry I'd just burst into flames before I could manage to set everything in eyesight on fire. And honestly, I prefer bursting into flames and dying over having to deal with having to recouperate from that. If I don't combust, if my heart doesn't give out froms getting angry as hell, I would just start walking until I don't know where I am.... and keep walking until it gets dark and there aren't streetlights. 

And God help us all if I were to actually catch the shithead that gutted the car I've had since 6th grade. I'd probably slam every single thing in my trunk through parts of them that aren't built for that. I'm just so mad even thinking about it cuz what kind of unwanted, demon piece of shit does this to someone? Like, not just one part, fucking almost all of it. 

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