How I felt when my ex tried to get me into a MLM thing

First of all I KNOW you and who are you right now? And your CLEARLY aren't yourself if you thought this was gonna work on me. Second, I went ahead to a big meeting of theirs, drew out their money/reward distribution system, and was like "The more you talk, this KEEPS creating levels of a bigger and bigger triangle almost like.... a PYRAMID... But the more levels in the diagram im drawing off of what YOU say it keeps looking like a pyramid, no? I mean, I went to art school, but this DEFINITELY looks like a cheerleader pyramid." They kept trying to say "Multi Level Marketing" but they saw the pyramid and kept telling me its not a pyramid cuz that's not how you build a pyramid. Building a stable pyramid was my middle school project, and having a base of triangulation was the strongest pyramid. My point is, I just said 'pyramid' hella more times than I said multi, level, or marketing combined. 

TLDR; They tried to say it wasn't a pyramid scheme while I was drawing out exactly what they were telling me in defense and my drawing was legit, a cheerleader pyramid. And "The bottom holds up the tippy top of the pyramid or all tips of the triangles." and they tried to backtrack. Pyramids are hella triangles, and my paper had A WHOLE LOT of triangles that day cuz I was done playing dumb

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